Habitat Earth

Suitable for: College, General Audiences, Grades 4-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Available languages: English, Spanish (Mexico & Latin America)

Covered subject areas: Climate and Environment, Earth Science, Life Science & Nature

Runtime: 24 minutes

Release date: 2015

Narrated by Frances McDormand.

Habitat Earth explores our relationship with the animals, plants and other life forms that make up the many ecosystems on Earth.

Dive beneath the ocean’s surface to witness the dynamic ecological relationships within kelp forests, burrow beneath the forest floor to see how some of Earth’s tallest trees depend on tiny fungi to survive, and journey to new heights to witness the intricate intersection between human and ecological networks.

Learn how life changes our planet and discover what it means to live in today’s connected world.

Produced by California Academy of Sciences.

